JANE Slalom North Andover MA
On Saturday, October 14, we will hold our second slalom event of the year. JANE drivers, fans, family, and friends will meet at the In-Control Driver Training facility, 1660 Osgood Street in North Andover for a day of fun and low-speed precision driving. As always, it is fun for everyone, and a real chance to show off your car's cornering and balance, as well as your driving skills.
We will be having a great time with plenty of novel cars participating.
Getting there from either 495 or 93 is easy. To learn more about the In-Control facility in North Andover, go to http://www.driveincontrol.com/packets/NorthAndover.pdf. This information packet includes driving directions, but any good sat nav system will get you there.
$5 non-member fee applies to non-JCNA members and covers the required payments to JCNA
Begins: 10:00 am on October 14, 2017
Ends: 4:00 pm on October 14, 2017
Recurrance: Does not recur
Repetition: 0 times
JANE Slalom North Andover MA