BCNH BBQ Lake Winnipesaukee
At the lakeside home of Nancy and Alain Rousset, 46 Pendleton Beach Road, Laconia NH
Rain or Shine!
Bring bathing suit, beach chair, beach towel.
BYOB. Nancy will have soft drinks, water or a killer Sangria, feel free to bring your own favorite beverage. Hot dogs and chicken on the grill.
Please plan to bring a side dish or dessert. Contact Nancy to let her know what you will bring so she can avoid duplicates.
What else to bring: your sense of fun! There will be kayaks, a paddle board and bicycle for all to use..and...rumor has it there may be some beer pong played!
PLEASE RSVP to Nancy 603-366-2828
Begins: 1:00 pm on August 20, 2017
Ends: on August 20, 2017
Recurrance: Does not recur
Repetition: 0 times
BCNH BBQ Lake Winnipesaukee